The Mobile City Council acknowledged the Bishop State Community College Adult Education Program and presented them with an honorary proclamation that deemed September 22-28, 2019, to be National Adult Education Family and Literacy Week in the City of Mobile!The Adult Education program was celebrated during Tuesday’s Mobile City Council meeting for the work it is doing to fight illiteracy. Mobile City Councilman Fred Richardson presented the Adult Education faculty, staff, and students with the honor that reads in part,
And whereas they are proud participants in the National Education and Elevate campaign which helps our citizens learn about all adult education options available that will allow them to obtain their professional and personal goals.Now, therefore, I, Frederick D. Richardson, Jr., along with the Mobile City Council and the Mayor, do proclaim today, September 22-28 National Adult Education Family and Literacy Week.
Following the proclamation, Bishop State’s Adult Education and GED Director, Akareem Spears, acknowledged his staff and students and thanked them for all their hard work and commitment to helping adult students reach their goals. Spears described to the council the dire need for adult education in our area.“In the city of Mobile and Washington County, there are about 50,000 people who do not have a high school diploma or GED,” Spears explained. “ As of this morning, we have over 1,200 students that are enrolled in our program and over 500 students that have received certificates.”Spears went on the explain that while certificates still include academic classes, there are more career tech courses being offered as well. These include forklift certifications as well as certifications in CNA, phlebotomy, CDL, welding, and culinary arts. And the best part, all of the services are free to those students who are eligible for the program. Students do not have to pay a dime!Congratulations to our Adult Education team and thank you for your hard work and dedication to fighting illiteracy in Mobile and Washington counties!If you would like to be a part of this winning team, be sure to contact the Adult Education department by calling (251) 662-5370. You can also check out the Adult Education page on our website and be sure to like their page on Facebook!
“Whereas the Adult Education Department of Bishop State Community College Carver Campus is celebrating National Adult Education Family and Literacy Week on September 22-28, 2019 to raise public awareness about the need for and value of additional adult and family literacy.And whereas their goal is to leverage resources that support access to basic education programs for the 36 million Americans who cannot read or write at the most basic level while [inaudible] basic math skills as well as credentials and skills necessary to succeed in postsecondary education.And whereas American Action Forum estimates that by 2020, America will be short an estimated 7.5 million private-sector fillers across all skill levels.And whereas adult education programs contribute to solving these challenges by helping Americans move along the continuum in their educational journey, to achieve basic skills as well as prepare for college and careers.And whereas the low-cost and high-value programs that upgrades the skill sets for our citizens are offered educational programs in high schools, adult schools, community colleges, and community centers.And whereas they are proud participants in the National Education and Elevate campaign which helps our citizens learn about all adult education options available that will allow them to obtain their professional and personal goals.Now, therefore, I, Frederick D. Richardson, Jr., along with the Mobile City Council and the Mayor, do proclaim today, September 22-28 National Adult Education Family and Literacy Week.