Applications are being accepted for the Practical Nursing Program, Evenings/Weekend Cohort. This program is designed for individuals who are unable to attend college during traditional day hours. The deadline to submit applications is by July 23, 2021 at 5 p.m. at:
Baker-Gaines Central Campus
1365 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Ave.
Mobile, AL 36603
Suite 220, Nursing Office
Graduates of this program may apply for the Career Mobility (LPN to RN) Program to complete the associate degree in nursing after having passed the NCLEX-PN.
Program length is three semesters. Graduates of the program may be eligible to write the National Council Licensure Examination, upon approval by the Alabama Board of Nursing.
Accepted students will attend Bishop State Community College two evenings per week followed by course work and/or clinical schedules on Saturdays and Sundays.
For more information, check out the Practical Nursing page on our website.