We have some exciting news! Bishop State Community College, along with all colleges in the Alabama Community College System (ACCS), is upgrading to a new, easy-to-use, student-friendly portal in Fall 2020 called OneACCS. This new system will replace BORIS for all your student needs, including registration, financial aid, payments, and more. The system is set to be fully operational in July, however, there are some important items you need to stay tuned for that are coming soon in April.

One of the major changes coming with OneACCS is you will receive a new student ID number. An email will be sent in the next few weeks about your new ID number which will start with an ‘A’, so we will refer to it as your “A-Number”. It will replace your current student ID beginning in Fall 2020.

If you applied for financial aid for the 2020-2021 academic year, your new A-Number (student ID number) will be included in an email from the Financial Aid Office in April. If you did not apply for financial aid, communication of the new ID number will come from the Office of Admissions and Records in the coming months.

Registration for Fall 2020 classes will begin in July. This year, the more credit hours you have earned, the earlier you’ll get to register for the classes you need for graduation. Stay connected with your academic advisor for the date and time you will need to register.

Don’t forget your current student ID number just yet! If you are taking summer classes, you will still use your current student number to register for those classes in BORIS. OneACCS –for registration purposes –only applies to Fall 2020 forward.

OneACCS will not affect your Canvas account. You will still have your separate login to access your coursework.

We are sure you’ll appreciate this new system! Please keep an eye out for more updates about OneACCS on our website, social media pages, and your Bishop State email.

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