As Bishop State Community College plans for the continuation and reopening of the College, we will continue to use the procedures and protocols as suggested by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and in collaboration with state and local officials. These considerations are meant to supplement and not to replace any state, local, or guidance applicable to public education as outlined in the Summer 2021 COVID-19 Guidance.
Due to a decline of COVID-19 numbers and the reopening of businesses, health facilities, city, county, and federal agencies, Bishop State is including an addendum to the Summer COVID-19 Guidance.
- While on Bishop State Community College’s campuses or while participating in activities sponsored by Bishop State, employees, students, and guests are required to follow current CDC guidelines for face masks or covers.
- At this time, masks or facial covers are required while inside buildings on all Bishop State campuses and locations. Masks or facial covers are optional for those who are fully vaccinated and are outside of the buildings. They are required for those who are not vaccinated.
- Daily health screenings using temperature check stations and wearing of colored wrist bands are no longer required; however, all employees and students must monitor and report symptoms and exposures and are to report positive cases as indicated in the COVID-19 Summer Guidance.
- For the Summer term, a social distancing of 3 feet will be maintained in instructional settings. This practice will be prescribed for all programs to take reasonable steps, where applicable and practicable, to keep three feet of separation between persons.
- All employees and students are required to immediately report confirmed or suspected cases of COVID-19 to Bishop State’s Office of Human Resources or Office of Student Affairs as indicated in the Summer COVID-19 Guidance.
- Regardless of the vaccine status, if you have symptoms of COVID-19 or think you might have been exposed to COVID-19, stay home until you are cleared to return to campus. Students are to contact the Office of Student Affairs.
- Bishop State’s policies and procedures are evolving in response to COVID-19 changing conditions. Please check the College’s website or the College’s email frequently for updates.
Thank you for your cooperation as we work to keep everyone safe and continue to stop the spread of the coronavirus.