Adria Harris
- Title: Head Women's Basketball Coach
- Phone:
- Email: aharris@bishop.edu
Adria Harris, a native of Mobile, Alabama, graduated from St. Paul's Episcopal High School in 2001. After high school graduation, Harris went on to receive a Division 1 basketball scholarship to play shooting guard at Alabama State University. While at ASU, she earned a Bachelor’s degree in communications and a Master’s in health education.
In 2011, Harris was inducted into St. Paul's Athletic Hall of Fame and later inducted into the ASU Foundation Athletic Hall of Fame. Harris was also named one of ASU’s most distinguished in their inaugural class of 50 under 50. For 8 seasons, Harris was an assistant coach at ASU and she just completed her 7th season as head girls basketball coach at George Washington Carver High School located in Montgomery, Alabama. Harris is also the owner of the Montgomery Lady Magic, a Semi-Pro Women’s Basketball team, who just finished 5th overall in the Women's American Basketball Association (WABA) which is a league of 30 teams from all across the country. While at Carver High School, Harris led the Lady Wolverines to 6 area championships, 7 sweet sixteens, 3 Elite 8’s, and 2 final fours! This past season Harris and the Lady Wolverines played in the State Championship game and she was also named the Alabama High School 6A Coach of the Year.
On top of her many talents and accolades, Harris is currently in the final stages as a doctoral student at Troy University pursuing her Ph.D. in sports management. Harris knows that with God all things are possible to those who believe! She will never stop BELIEVING! Her main objective is to empower women and others through the game of basketball by continuing to work hard, impact lives, and make a difference!